In an effort to quickly renew a professional certification, I clicked on a membership renewal link and inadvertently sent $195 on a one-way trip down the drain. My discussion with others regarding this incident included much more colorful language. However, this taught me a lesson. Rushing costs real money.

Filling your schedule too full results in all sorts of waste. Instead of cooking a healthy and frugal meal, you run through a fast food restaurant drive-through which can have health implications. You accept a terrible sales pitch because you pressed for time and on the surface it sounds good. You rush to buy a new car because you don’t have time to vet used vehicles.

The old saying “time is money” holds true in ways we rarely consider. If your schedule is too tight, you make bad decisions and lose money. Looking at the proverb in this manner you may turn down that next volunteer committee proposal, or think twice before putting your kid on that travel team.

The Late Frugal


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