
The Vanity of Life

Ecclesiastes 5:10-11:  He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity. When

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Insurance Companies

Insurance is an interesting concept.  When we become adults, or late teens we are introduced to insurance companies.  We are told that these companies are

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After FI

The interesting thing about reaching FI is what happens along the way. You are so conditioned to not spend money that you find it very

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What is FI?

Calculating FI (financial independence) can sometimes seem like an exercise in smoke and mirrors. However, it can be rather simple. You have to first figure

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Down the Drain

In an effort to quickly renew a professional certification, I clicked on a membership renewal link and inadvertently sent $195 on a one-way trip down

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Software Engineering Student

I was managing a construction site in Detroit and decided I wanted to finish a certificate program in Software Engineering.  I have always loved computers

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