Welcome to our personal finance blog. In this blog we discuss our path to financial independence from insolvency and being bankrupt (Bernie). Becka at this time was already a saver, and had a respectable retirement account. We struggled with debt. At the age of 45 in 2012 we decided we no longer wanted to live a consumptive lifestyle and made it a priority to pay off the credit cards, house, and cars.  We reduced expenses to achieve a 30% savings rate.

In 2020 we hit financial independence (FI), which means theoretically we could live off our savings – although it wouldn’t be much of a life. On the way to FI we implemented many minimalism concepts. We will talk about which of these concepts we implemented to simply life, and reduce monthly expenses.

Please note we are not militant concerning minimalism.  Since reaching FI, we have noticed we go out to eat more often, and our Corvette could hardly be described as minimalism.  Minimalism to us was just another tool on the way to FI.  We have to be careful not to be judgmental of others.

 On this site we may provide links to products and services that have helped us.  We may receive affiliate income from these links.  This helps us to offset the costs of this blog.


Welcome to our personal finance blog.
